
My friend, Tom Whitby, an educator and blogger has put out a call for blog posts centered around positivity in education to counter all of the negativity going on.  I recently wrote a post on the Cooperative Catalyst blog called “What (Really) Works,” trying to focus on what works in education rather than what doesn’t. …

My Call to Educators for Leadership Day

Last year I participated in Scott Mcleod’s Leadership Day project with an overview of the NETS for Administrators that I felt were most important and a video of some of my campers talking about technology in their inner city schools. A year later I have grown exponentially as a teacher and as a person as…

My Top 10 To-Do List for Administrators

Thanks to Scott McLeod for continuing the series! 10)  Read Curriculum 21, edited by Heidi Jacobs with your staff, discussing it using the ASCD Study Guide and familiarize yourself with the National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators 9)  Try to visit every classroom in your school at least once a week, even if only for…

My Guest Post at TransLeadership

Just recently one of my valued PLN members, Tony Baldasaro, asked me to do a guest blog post on his blog, TransLeadership on the topic of Leadership in Education. I was honored by the invitation and excited by the topic. You can read my post, Teachers as Leaders, here. Please stop by and leave a…