Shame on You, Newsweek

I have been subscribing to Newsweek magazine for almost 5 years now.  I look forward to each week’s thought provoking articles and commentary by smart, educated and well-informed journalists. This doesn’t mean I always agree with everything I read, but I enjoy the discourse nonetheless. I was appalled, however, to unfold this week’s cover as…

I Love This Job: A Follow Up

A couple days ago I wrote about a student in my class who was struggling with completing work in my class.  After a breakthrough moment in which I expressed to him the importance of taking risks and not fearing challenges, I wondered if this moment would have lasting effects. Yesterday, I had him again, and…

My Educon Takeaway

Twitter has been buzzing with how attendees of this past weekend’s innovative conference will apply what they learned, shared, discussed and saw.  I felt the pressure. After spending my weekend immersed in discussion of moving education in the right direction, how would I make a difference? How would I play my part? It came to…

Educon 2.2: Day Two

After my long and detailed blog post from Friday, I feel the pressure of trying to match it. I already have failed in that mission since it’s already Monday. My morning started with breakfast at Con Murphy’s with Ann Leaness and a group of delightful teachers we had just met.  We were a little late,…

Educon 2.2: Day One

After a long day of meeting Twitter friends for the first time, touring the Science Leadership Academy (SLA) and venturing around Philly, I got home and wasn’t sure what to do.  I decided to tweet out my dilemma, and of course, my PLN came through to help me make my decision: My PLN has spoken,…