
My friend, Tom Whitby, an educator and blogger has put out a call for blog posts centered around positivity in education to counter all of the negativity going on.  I recently wrote a post on the Cooperative Catalyst blog called “What (Really) Works,” trying to focus on what works in education rather than what doesn’t. …

Review of Intel’s Classmate PC

I was lucky enough to be asked by Intel to review their convertible laptop, the Classmate PC. Upon opening the demo model I received in the mail, I definitely knew that this was a ‘cool’ product. How, I wondered, though, would it be different than a regular laptop and how would I see it being…

NBC Steals the Cake

I just watched NBC’s Education Nation Teacher Town Hall and participated in an online Twitter conversation with the hashtag #educationnation. I saw two tweets from friends that really caught my attention: and  It is probably true that NBC will get all the attention for having brought together so many educators in one place while those…

Across Oceans and Across the Street

Tonight I hosted our biweekly committee meeting for the South Philly Food Co-op that myself and a small group of community members are working hard to open. There’s something special and intimate about having a group of people who are not necessarily your friends, but with whom you share a connection, sitting in your living…