We Need Headphones!

So this post is a shameless plead for help. For those of you who have been following me on Twitter for a while, you may know that I have started a new job at a charter school in North Philadelphia. The students have never had a technology teacher who taught more than keyboarding and the…

Who’s Tracking You?

Just recently I heard a story on Fresh Air, a radio show on public radio, about companies that track your web surfing habits and sell them to ad agencies. It was a fascinating story, and a chilling one.  There are companies making tons of money off of your browsing habits. By tracking where you go,…

I Miss My Old Brain

I recently began reading The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr. I first saw him on The Colbert Report and was intrigued by his interview.  I have only read the prologue, but already I am hooked. Even when I was away from my computer, I yearned to check email,…

My Call to Educators for Leadership Day

Last year I participated in Scott Mcleod’s Leadership Day project with an overview of the NETS for Administrators that I felt were most important and a video of some of my campers talking about technology in their inner city schools. A year later I have grown exponentially as a teacher and as a person as…

My Top 10 To-Do List for Administrators

Thanks to Scott McLeod for continuing the series! 10)  Read Curriculum 21, edited by Heidi Jacobs with your staff, discussing it using the ASCD Study Guide and familiarize yourself with the National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators 9)  Try to visit every classroom in your school at least once a week, even if only for…

The Charter School Dilemma

I am an avid reader of The Philadelphia Public Notebook, a non-profit newspaper and website dedicated to all things related to public education in Philadelphia. The most recent issue focused on Charter Schools. This piqued my interest as I will be going to a Charter School next year after almost 7 years in the Philadelphia…