
My friend, Deven Black, was murdered in a homeless shelter in NYC on Wednesday night.

To be honest, I’m not sure exactly when I first met Deven, though I am 99% sure that we started talking over Twitter and met face to face at Educon. I never knew that Deven suffered from mental health issues. I know that he was a kind and generous man. That he loved teaching and that his own education experiences inspired him to speak out about what’s best for kids. He shared his thoughts and ideas on his blog, He was an active member of the teaching community online and pushed our thinking greatly. He won a Bammy Award for the amazing work he did transforming his school’s library and he was always learning and growing as an educator. He also had a fondness for a good beer.

I scrolled through his Facebook wall looking for clues and was saddened to see a number of posts which, in hind sight, seemed like more than your typical “having a tough day” social media posts. There were a number of well-meaning messages from many of his friends (including myself), but rarely did anyone ask “do you need anything?” or “how can we help?”

I can’t shake this feeling that we, the collective teaching community, failed. We let a friend slip through the cracks. We watched a man suffer and offered him a pat on the back instead of asking him what he needed. We posted kind words to a social media profile and assumed that was enough. According to his son, Jonas, Deven was not able to receive the help he needed to treat his mental illness. He wrote this on Facebook:

As some of you may have heard, my father, Deven Black, was killed last night at the homeless shelter where he was staying. Although he had struggled with mental illness for many years, he was unable to get the treatment he needed, and he fell through the cracks of a severely broken system.
It is hard not to hate the man who took my father away from me, but ultimately I see my father’s killer as another victim. Had there been adequate mental health infrastructure in place, this tragedy would not have happened.

Now, more than ever, is the time to have a conversation devoid of political ideology about mental healthcare in this country. We are in the midst of a public health crisis that affects everyone.
If you want to honor my father’s memory, please talk about this. Tell your friends, your family, and your legislators. Only by eliminating stigma and improving access to mental health services will we be able to prevent senseless losses like this.

Deven’s life was shaken up by his loss of his teaching job and by a fall he took down a flight of stairs that broke his neck. He shared his experiences of his surgery and recovery on social media. I hadn’t seen or heard from Deven in a while, and was completely heartbroken and devastated to learn of his death. I can’t believe that someone so loved fell through the cracks. It reminds me to go beyond thinking that posting to social media is enough. Somehow, we have let social media weaken the ties that we have with each other while also allowing us to maintain strong ties with each other. We know each other through posts and photos, but how many of us take the time to check in on each other, to go further than the 10 seconds it takes to post something online? We can’t let loved ones slip through the cracks of a broken system or slip through our arms because we are “too busy” to take the time to really find out how someone is doing.

Rest in peace, Deven. You will be missed.




  1. Pingback: Deven Black | Apace of Change

  2. Reply

    MaryBeth, thank you so much for putting into words what I’ve been feeling since hearing the tragic news. We all have PLNs full of Facebook friends and Twitter followers, but have we allowed these virtual relationships to replace the good, old-fashioned kind? The kind where the connections involved more than 10 seconds of kindness or condolences?

    I didn’t really know Deven. I engaged him as a commentator on some BAM radio programs and met him twice at Bammy ceremonies. And yet even I feel as though I failed him. It never occurred to me to wonder why I hadn’t seen his name in a while. So I echo your sentiments. And, again, thank you for expressing them so beautifully.

  3. Reply

    Thought I was the only one feeling this way. Thought maybe everyone else had maintained a closer connection to Deven. Thanks for this cogent reminder Mary Beth. Deven was a gentle giant. He will be missed.

  4. Reply

    RIP, Mr. Black. He mad a difference in education but the health care system could not make a difference for him. Health care reform still has a way to go.

  5. Nancy


    Just another instance that most can learn that the homeless system is not made up of people who live on the street for choice. In my work in the last thlrty-five to 40 years I have seen a number of people fall through the cracks with the health system, the housing and jail system..We all need to get out of ourselves and help…I have been told I am sooo liberal and need to be realistic..I don’t say much anymore because my eyes, mind and heart have seen to many tragedies. My heart goes out to this man and his struggles, to his family who I am sure did their very best. I have no answers..I know that on any given day we can take the extra step to help someone anyone even if it is just a smile.

  6. marybeth


    Thanks for your thoughts everyone. I have been thinking about this non stop over the last few days. After reading my friend, Lisa Nielsen’s post ( and talking with a friend about it this weekend, I realize that Deven’s troubles were beyond what many of us could do to help. I still believe that we continue to to have shallow ties with many people while believing that we are truly “connected” to each other on a deeper level. This can be true, but is not the rule.

    As Lisa says, we must now be vocal about fixing a broken system and providing mental health services to those who need them rather than allowing people who are already at risk to cycle in and out of the system and get lost.

  7. David Andrade


    MB, I just saw this now – I hadn’t heard. I knew Deven also and had met him in-person at a few events. This is so sad. I hope his family is healing.

    • marybeth


      Yeah, it was pretty tragic and shocking. It’s one of those stories that forces you to reconsider what you think you know about people both those that you are close to and those who are homeless or in desperate situations. You just never know what is going on in someone’s life…..

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