I just watched NBC’s Education Nation Teacher Town Hall and participated in an online Twitter conversation with the hashtag #educationnation.

I saw two tweets from friends that really caught my attention:


It is probably true that NBC will get all the attention for having brought together so many educators in one place while those of us who have been doing this for a year either through our use of Twitter or the weekly #edchat discussions

I guess my hope is that other teachers will see the value of conversations like these and join us.

The next step: action!

1 Comment

  1. Reply

    I've been thinking the same thing throughout this entire education nation spectacle. We've been having this conversation for years behind the scenes. Now all of a sudden NBC is riding the wake created by the Education Documentaries that premiered this summer/fall. Now everyone is paying attention, just like they did after an Inconvenient Truth. All of a sudden people are adopting polar bears and changing their recycling habits. And once "Waiting For Superman" gets an Oscar nomination for Best Doc, and it will, the spotlight and Education trends will be erupting all over the place.

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