Just last week my friend Chad Sansing challenged me to respond to his blog post, #EduThingsILike. In his post he listed things that he would like to see in schools, districts and education as a whole. His post was in response to Tom Vander Ark‘s post Things I Like.

Here are the things I like in education:

  • I like educators who work together as a team to serve their students.
  • I like administrators who listen to their teachers and their parents.
  • I like parents who are invested in their child/ren’s education.
  • I like when schools allow students to have a say in their learning process.
  • I like when teachers take on leadership roles in their own schools.
  • I like district leaders who are in touch with their schools and teachers and meet their needs.
  • I like when teachers and administrators take risks in the name of better teaching their students.

Let me know what kinds of things you like in education!


    1. Reply

      I like that we have some really good teachers…that are able to see, and draw out, the potential in certain students…When everyone else has given up on them.

    2. Irene Tortolini


      I like everything on your list!

      I like when teachers respect and encourage their students' various strengths.

      I like when teachers applaud their colleagues.

      I like when teachers show love and bring joy to children.

      I like teachers and administrators who never get comfortable with "what is."

      I like when teachers, administrators and parents all communicate freely, honestly and respectfully.

      I like when fellow educators (like you) encourage me to think about the positive aspects of education! Thanks MB!

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