For those of you who participate in #edchat (more on what that is here and here), please add to the conversation on our wiki:

Jerry Swiatek already updates the wiki with an archive of both weekly discussions, but we have added a page for participants to add resources and success stories.

As a moderator, I have noticed people asking how our discussions are being applied to ‘real life,’ or that “we’re preaching to the choir.” Our fast-paced discussions leave the brain spinning, and often spark heated debate, so how are we transforming these conversations and ideas into action?  This new page allows for us to share our successes or those that we come across on the web or in our schools/districts.

In addition, it is hard to keep track of the many links that fly by during the conversation. Use this new page to add links to a discussion, even if you come across them weeks later.

To edit the wiki, just click the ‘Join’ button. You may need to set up a PBWorks account.

You can also become more involved by joining the #edchat group on the Educator’s PLN Ning community.

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